Michigan - Ohio State and Missing an Old Friend

Yesterday the Michigan and Ohio State football teams squared off in what is known simply as, “The Game.” This hotly contested rivalry is one of my favorite annual traditions as it’s always an interesting matchup and takes place on the Saturday of the wonderfully extended Thanksgiving weekend. Having grown up in Michigan, I was raised on Big Ten football and the colors and fight songs of the typically midwestern teams of that conference. I always root for Michigan to beat Ohio State, but I didn’t actually go to Michigan so it’s not a live or die kind of thing. To be honest, I’ll root for anyone in the Big Ten when it comes time for bowl games. I just love college football, and Big Ten football resurrects so many fond memories of growing up and watching football with my dad and grandpa.

There is something else though. The Game always reminds me of my late friend Marcus, an Ohio native and one of the sweetest human beings I have ever met. When I accepted a teaching job fresh out of college and moved from Michigan to Arizona in 2007, I only knew one or two people and was in culture shock after moving from my tiny one-stoplight hometown to a major city like Phoenix. Marcus was a math teacher at my new high school, and he quickly became my unofficial mentor, friend, and confidante. He was one of those people who just came into my life and I just clicked with immediately. It was like I didn’t even know I needed him until he was an integral part of my life. Seeing him at school every day helped get me through a very challenging time as I adjusted to living thousands of miles from home in a big city and working my first grownup job. Not a day went by where Marcus didn’t check in with me to see how things were going or if I needed help with anything. With Marcus around, there was never a shortage of laughs or bantering to be shared with absolutely everyone. He was always jovial and joking around and lovingly “joshing people,” as he called it, about anything and everything. I was comfortable talking to Marcus about every topic under the sun, and he always offered his thoughts and advice without judgment, criticism, or pretentiousness. He was the perfect person at a vulnerable time in my life.

Marcus was an Ohio State fan, and, no matter how long it had been since we’d talked or seen each other, I could always count on texting with him during the Michigan - Ohio State game. A few years ago, Marcus passed away unexpectedly way too young. The Game always makes me think of him and all that he did for me. If there is a heaven, I look forward to watching The Game with Marcus again some day.

Miss you, Buddy.


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