
Some work stuff has really been driving me nuts lately. I definitely work with some top notch people, but there are folks…it’s like they have no standards whatsoever. Making excuses, missing deadlines, screwing over coworkers, watching things happen and not doing a darn thing to help, focusing on absolutely everything that does not matter one bit. It blows my mind that some people have no problem with operating in this manner.

I’m certainly not a live to work type of person. My free time is sacred, and I have numerous things I love outside of work, but I still handle my business like a professional.

I had an interview for a promotion this past week. Or I should say, I had an interview for a promotion to a job that I’ve already been doing for over a month now. What’s the holdup? Only two people applied. Well, actually three people applied, but one guy applied to the wrong job. I’m not even sure how that’s possible since the application questions had to be totally different and not even close to relevant to our qualification area. I’m over here having multiple people review my application package and doing practice interviews with two different managers, and this guy can’t even apply to the right job. My boss’s response? “Oh, he was in a rush because he waited until the last minute.” MAKING EXCUSES FOR THE GUY WHO COULDN’T EVEN APPLY TO THE RIGHT JOB. What is that about? That’s our standard? Our senior positions are so important and challenging that these are the people we’re looking to promote.

Then another manager told me that I shouldn’t say that I’ve already been doing the job for a month because they can’t have me doing the work without first promoting me. It could get my boss in trouble. Are you kidding me? So let me get this straight. I truthfully mention that something has been going on at work, and a manager tells me I shouldn’t talk about it because it could get my manager in trouble. Wow. Thank you for furthering my point that the way we are doing business and treating people is completely jacked up.

To add another layer to this mess, we have this culture team that recently presented some initiatives at an all-employees meeting. Succession planning and staff retention were two of the focus areas that were discussed. I feel my situation is Exhibit A of how we are just completely dropping the ball. We had a perfect opportunity to plan ahead and throw some people a bone and we totally blew it.

And it’s not just about me. We actually have two promotion openings and we didn’t post an interim acting position for either of them. We have some new team members with less than five years in the organization who could really use the resume bullet, but nope. Just leave the positions vacant and don’t think about giving anyone the opportunity to one day move up in the agency.

Bloody hell.

I know I’m ranting and raving like a lunatic (or crybaby) here, but this stuff has been driving me insane.

Do you know what I’m going to do?



Try to find another job?


Start to operate like everyone else?

Fuck. That. Shit.

I’m going to hold the line. I’m going to dig in. I’m going to be stalwart. I’m going to maintain my standard.

Not doing so isn’t an option. Live with some adversity.

Bring it on.


The Men Who Raised Me


Six Months to a New Life