The Perfect Day

I had kind of a funny thing happen at work the other day when pretty much everyone was back at the regional office for a few days during our annual winter seminar. It’s always good to socialize and spend time with old and new friends, and this year was no different. We had this motivational speaker come talk to us about resiliency and maintaining a positive mindset. Honestly, I thought it was going to be totally lame, but the session was pretty interactive and it ended up being a good time. During the start of the talk, the speaker asked us to write down one of our best days and share it with the person sitting next to us. I’ve heard Lex Fridman ask this question to guests on his podcast, and it’s always one of my favorite segments. Having heard these discussions may be why I took the question a bit differently than most. I wasn’t thinking about major life events like a wedding or grand vacation. Instead, I was just thinking about a perfect day in my life that checks all the boxes and leaves me satisfied and wishing I could live it all over again. The previous Saturday had been one of those days, and I ended up having to get on the microphone and try to explain why this was the case to a room full of people. Below is a summary of my Saturday.

  • Woke up healthy and sober after a great night’s sleep.

  • Sat on the couch with my beautiful wife Cali drinking a ton of coffee, laughing, and watching goofy videos on Youtube.

  • Took Arvid to the dog park and watched him run around with his friends. Walked laps and chatted with my good friends from the morning crew.

  • Got home and ate a delicious and hearty breakfast that Cali made for me.

  • Went to jiu-jitsu and trained my ass off. Worked hard, learned, connected with people, and had a ton of fun.

  • Got home and ate a great lunch with Cali.

  • Picked up some friends for an escape room event. This was a blast and we all had some good laughs.

  • Got home and had a nice happy hour with Cali.

  • Grilled a huge rib steak from a local butcher for dinner.

  • Pounded a protein bar and some milk before bed.

At the end of the day, I made an entry in my daily journal.

“Today was pretty much a perfect day. Every single part of it was fun and enjoyable. So grateful to be healthy and happy and have good family, friends, and jiu-jitsu training partners. I wish my whole life was days like today.”

I think that pretty much sums it up. Embrace the time and daily blessings.


2023 Book List


A Norway Story - Ice Shacks and Police