It felt good to get back to training after a few days of rest. I’m starting an eight-week cycle called StrongFirst Reload. My plan is to front squat and overhead press on Wednesdays and deadlift and bench on Sundays. This should leave me plenty of time to recover and incorporate other training throughout the week.
I haven’t done a consistent barbell-based program in quite a while. My focus in 2019 was largely on kettlebells and passing the SFG I certification in June. This change should be a lot of fun and will take me through to the Starting Strength seminar in March. The weights are embarrassingly light, but that’s okay. I’m going to enjoy the process of building back up and achieving a long-term goal of getting proficient at front squats.
Today’s training:
Fronts Squats - 135 x 5 x 5
Overhead Press - 105 x 3 x 5; 95 x 2 x 5 - This should have been 95 x 5 x 5. I was a bit overzealous in my OHP capabilities, so I backed the weight down for the last two sets.
Two-handed Kettlebell Swings - 40 kg x 10 x 10 (EMOM)
Weighted Chins - 12 kg x 5 x 4 (varying grips)
Suitcase Carries - 28 kg x 3 trips - Nothing major here, just wanted to carry something a bit.
Done. I’m going to really try not to overdo it with extra stuff on this program. Famous last words.