
I drove down to CrossFit Koncepts in Gaithersburg, MD, to attend a bench/overhead press workshop taught by Marty Gallagher, Kirk Karwoski, and Jim Steele. This was kind of the second half of the squat/deadlift workshop I attended last October. We did a helluva lot of reps on the two movements, and I think I may finally be convinced that I should move my hands out on the bench. I’ve always been a narrow bencher, especially with my right shoulder bugging me, but I may have figured out how to bench a little wider without hurting myself. The only set worth remembering from yesterday was a 135 x 3 overhead press. The third rep was certainly a struggle, but it was solid.

The knowledge of Marty, Kirk, and Jim is just incredible. I have gotten a few nuggets from Jim in these two workshops that have been invaluable. I was a little disappointed that Michael Krivka, the gym owner, wasn’t there the whole time yesterday. He is an excellent coach who really helped me during the squat portion of the other workshop.

Time to rest up before heading to Wichita Falls, TX, for a Starting Strength seminar next weekend.



