7/9/22 - Jiu-Jitsu Day 135/Grappling Industries Tournament

Well, this tournament was very disappointing. Or, maybe a total disaster would be a better descriptor. In retrospect, I had no business even showing up after the last month of erratic training and being in the hospital with this ongoing stomach virus. I’m pretty stubborn though and adamant about showing up when I say I’m going to, so I pressed on. I weighed in at 212 lbs. This would put me in the 215 lbs weight class, but since there was nobody signed up, I ended up in the 230 lbs weight class.


  1. Lost on points 5-4 and jammed my left big toe that had me limping the rest of the day

  2. Got submitted


  1. Lost on points 2-0

  2. Got submitted (literally had about two minutes to rest between this match and my first match)

  3. Got submitted

0-5. Fuck. I’m going to be limping around and out of the gym for a bit while this toe heals up. Just not the smartest thing I’ve ever done.


7/14/22 - Double KB Clean and Press and a few Chins


7/8/22 - Jiu-Jitsu Day 134