Jiu-Jitsu Thoughts

Today, Friday August 18, 2023, got off to a perfect start. I was fortunate enough to get to go train with the 0530 morning crew at the jiu-jitsu gym.

The morning crew is a special group of people. These are savages who wake up well before sunrise, drag their asses out of bed, and drive to a place where there is a very real chance of getting completely humbled, choked out, banged up, and even embarrassed. In the winter months, the gym and mats are cold, and it’s still dark out by the time training wraps up around 0645. Everything is just a little bit colder and harder, which just adds to the fun.

There is an unknown day, hopefully in the very distant future, where I will not be able to train jiu-jitsu any more. Father Time is undefeated, and that day lies in wait for us all.

That’s why I savor every opportunity I get to train with the morning crew. Imagine getting to start your day with a group of people who keep showing up for the sole purpose of trying to make themselves, and everyone around them, better. Not everyone gets to be surrounded by that kind of energy, fortitude, and comradery first thing in the morning. It’s a wonderful thing.

This picture is from August 25, 2023. We’re missing a few regulars, but this is a great crew.


Camping with Friends 2023

