Camping with Friends 2023

I recently made a long drive back to Michigan to spend a weekend camping with friends. Much like two years ago, this was an amazing time filled with laughter and love. We ate, drank, told stories we’ve told a million times before, made fun of each other, admired kids and careers and dogs. This is a group of lifelong friends, and, as always, it will be too long before I get to see them all again.

Friday night meant rain and some dampness in the tent. Saturday night a raccoon unsuccessfully tried to get into our tent, so it took a shit and kicked it all over the back of the tent instead. Both brought laughter and running commentary from my friends and me.

We stayed just a few miles from a Lake Michigan beach. Saturday was pretty much the most beautiful weather imaginable, so we all headed to the lake to soak up the sun and play in the amazing waves. Maybe it’s something about the Great Lakes that always makes the beaches feel so laid back. There were dogs running around off the leash, people responsibly drinking beer from coolers they brought, kids playing everywhere. It was just beautiful.

Time marches on and we’re all getting older. Stay grateful for the memories and the friends who make them.


Read a Book! Read a Book! Read a Mothaf!@#in’ Book!


Jiu-Jitsu Thoughts