You Keep F!@#ing Up

Why do you keep doing this? You’re fucking up and you know it. Like everything else, this comes down to discipline. No one has a gun to your head. You make the decision to succeed or fail. You are accountable for your actions. How can you be so disciplined in some areas of your life and so shitty in others? What’s up with that?

It doesn’t add value to your life.

It’s never an improvement but always a detriment.

It never adds but always subtracts.

It never makes you happy but always sad.

You waste time on this but can’t make time for things that are actually important.

Nobody can do it for you. It’s all on you.

You try and fail. Try and fail. But are you really trying? Really?! You try at a lot of other stuff and succeed. Why is this different?

You succeed at things that are important to you. This shouldn’t be any different.

Buckle down.

Get tough.

Make a decision.

Man the fuck up.

Quit being a soft-ass.

Suck it up, Buttercup.

Quit feeling sorry for yourself.



The Seniors


A New Challenge