10/16/20 - Box Squats, Deadlifts, etc.

I’m going to do a little conjugate training for a few months. It should be a nice change of pace and make me do some movements that I haven’t done in a very long time.

DE Lower Body:

  • Box Squats (16”) w/ SSB - 150 + light bands x 12 x 2 (EMOM)

  • Deadlifts - 205 + 50 chains x 15 x 1 (every 30 sec)

  • SLDL - 22 kg KB x 3 x 5/side

  • Band Leg Curls - light band x 3 x 15

This was definitely very different than how I’ve been training. When training conjugate in the past, I’ve done a lot of GHR and reverse hypers, but I no longer have those machines so I’ll have to get creative with other accessories. Whenever I switch up my training, I always fret about everything that I’m NOT doing, even though the change usually works out being the best thing for me as long as I’m sticking to my basic training principles. Today, I was thinking about how I was missing out on kettlebell snatches and other movements that I’ve been doing throughout the summer months. I need to just enjoy the variety of this form of training and try to get better and stronger every day.

Arvid came down to see me during my squats and then Cali came down towards the end of my workout. I predict Arvid will be a good gym dog before it’s all said and done.


10/17/20 - Hiking with Friends


10/15/20 - Hills