12/10/21 - Rounds of 2 and KB Fun
Outstanding workout out front on a cold and dark December morning.
Rounds of 2 format - 45 second intervals - 10 rounds of:
Grad Complex (2 CL, 1 OHP, 3 FS) with 24s - left shoulder felt like shit from squatting on Wednesday
12 360s with 27.5 lb Adex mace
Double KB OHP - sets of 5 - 16s, 18s, 20s, 22s superset with
Goblet Squats - 32 x 6, 36 x 6, 40 x 6, 44 x 6
Double Front Rack Carries - 20s x 4 trips to the hoop and back
Something about training hard in the dark while the rest of the neighborhood is sleeping. Get some.