12/4/20 - DE Lower Box Squats, Deadlifts, and KB Swings

DE Lower Body today:

  • Cambered Bar Box Squats (18”) with 65 lbs of chains - 165 x 12 x 2 - EMOM - These felt great. The higher box and chains instead of bands was way more forgiving on my groin and didn’t cause me any pain. I also did these barefoot, which felt much more natural. I didn’t have to adjust my feet after every rep.

  • Deadlifts - 230 with 65 lbs of chains - 20 x 1 - one rep every 30 seconds - Stuck with conventional today.

  • One-Handed KB Swings - 44 x 24 x 3 - one set every 30 seconds, alternating hands each set - First time ever doing one-handed swings with the 44. They felt very solid. After doing easy one-arm cleans with the 44 the other day, I knew I could swing it with no trouble.


12/6/20 - Speed Bench, Lat Pulldowns, Guns, and Hiking with and Old Friend


12/2/20 - Overhead Press, Rows, Side Laterals