2/24/21 - A Little KB Work…Finally

Well, I got a little training in today for the first time in two weeks. In my last training log entry, I mentioned that my left lower back was having an issue. It turned out to be way worse than I thought. It’s just a muscle strain, but I could barely walk the two days after it happened. I hate taking time off, but I had to shut it down for a couple weeks. I’m hoping to get back to BJJ next week, but for now I’m just going to test it out with some lifting.

KB work outside on a sunny 46 F day.

  • Grad Workout with double 24s - 2 cleans, 1 press, 3 front squats EMOM for 10 minutes. Felt strong.

  • Single KB Carries to hoop and back - waiter down rack, back, suitcase down, switch hands, repeat x 2 rounds

This all went well with no issues so I’m really happy. I am not myself when I don’t train. It’s a total mind-f!@# and I feel weak and useless.


2/26/21 - Dynamic Effort Box Squats, Deadlifts, and Swings


2/10/21 - Jiu-Jitsu Day 5