
After a week of rest and some chaos at the house with an ongoing remodeling project, I was happy to get back to training today. I was warming up for squats when it became very obvious that the washer had not been reconnected correctly by the contractors. Water started pouring into the basement via the light fixtures and Cali and I had to scramble to get buckets. I went to Home Depot to rent some carpet blower fans and starting warming up for squats again when I got back.

  • Squats - 310 x 3 x 5 - I was super happy with how these felt. The fifth rep of each set was heavy, but still solid. This is a lifetime PR and there is more left in the tank. After only completing one set last week due to the issue with my side, I felt like there was unfinished business.

  • Farmer Carries - 36 kg KBs x 5 trips - Honestly, these felt kind of pointless after the squats. I also had a long rest in between sets four and five because I ended up talking to a neighbor.



