6/19/20 - Swings, Benches, and Bikes

Lunchtime training today.

  • One-Handed Swings done EMOM with 36 kg - Four rounds of:

    • 3+3

    • 7+7

    • 5+5

    • Rest three minutes

  • Swiss Bench - 165 x 6 x 6 - Felt this on the shoulder a bit.

Short and sweet session. Time to eat to fuel up for this afternoon’s bike ride.


Went out on the Schuylkill River Trail with my buddy Bill for 12.68 miles in ~57 minutes. This included a shelter stop because it was absolutely pouring. The only hour it rained today happened to be when we were out. Oh well. Fun times.


6/21/20 - Bike Ride


6/18/20 - KB Snatches, Bench, Pull-downs