8/21/20 - Swings, Push Presses, and Mace Work

Great lunchtime training session today.

  • Swings with 40 kg EMOM - 5 rounds of:

    • 3+3

    • 7+7

    • 5+5

    • Rest three minutes

  • KB Push Presses - DBL 28s x 5 x 5 (one set every 90 sec for five rounds) - The last rep of the last set was awful.

  • Quad Mace work EMOM for 10 min

    • First 6 min - 10 360s of various grips and directions

    • Last 4 min - 10 10-2s

Great session outside in some beautiful weather. Dorian kept me company and Cali worked out alongside me.


8/22/20 - Valley Forge Hike with Cali


8/20/20 - Perkiomen Trail Bike Ride