8/24/20 - Swings and a Circuit

Lunchtime training today.

  • Swings with 40 kg EMOM - 4 rounds of:

    • 3+3

    • 7+7

    • 5+5

    • Rest three minutes

  • Rounds of 3 - EMOM for 6 rounds:

    • Thrusters - 32 kg KB x 2 per side (12 per side total)

    • 4 Chins - varying grips (24 total)

    • 200-lb Sandbag Shoulder (6 reps total)

This ended up being a great workout, which I did not anticipate after yesterday’s bike ride ate me up. I felt strong and had a great sweat going in the warm sunshine.


8/25/20 - Swings and Dips


8/23/20 - Biking with a Friend