10/26/20 - Block Pulls, Good Mornings, Marches, Face Pulls, and Ab Wheel
Really fun ME Lower Body session today.
Block Pulls off 5.25” of mats - 425 x 1 - 405 moved real easy, 455 didn’t budge, so I went back down and pulled 425. Probably not the smartest approach but I’ll do better next time.
SSB Good Mornings with Monster Mini Bands - 110 x 8, 130 x 2 x 8
Dip Belt Marches - 48 kg KB x 5 rounds of 1:00/:30 work/rest
Face Pulls - Light Band x 3 x 20 - Just did these in between stretches.
Ab Wheel - 3 x 6 - This felt like enough. I believe I’ll be feeling it the next couple days.
This was a lot of fun. I couldn’t tell you the last time I did block pulls, but everything felt very solid. Looking forward to some heavy upper body work on Wednesday.