10/4/21 - Jiu-Jitsu Day 88 and Benchin’

Great morning class with a pretty good-sized crew of people. We worked on some escapes from bottom side control. I really feel like my neck has been holding me back the last few weeks. It hurts when I do just about everything. Very annoying. Onward and upward.

Got some benches in later in the day.

  • Bench - 170 x 5, 195 x 3, 215 x 5, 160 x 3 x 8

  • One-Arm DB Rows - 60, 65, 70, 75 all for sets of 12


10/6/21 - Jiu-Jitsu Day 89 and Squats


10/3/21 - Deadlifts, Sled Drags, and Swings