11/30/20 - Box Squats, GMs, and Other Fun
Lunchtime training of whatever the hell I felt like today. I’m still nursing this right groin, but I needed to see how some regular stance box squats felt.
Beltless/Barefoot Cambered Bar Box Squats (16”) with 50 lbs of chains - 205 x 2 x 5, 225 x 1 x 5 - Felt the groin a tiny bit but nothing painful.
Cambered Bar Good Mornings - 165 x 4 x 8 - These felt great.
Single-Arm KB Cleans - 44 x 3 x 3 per arm
Suitcase Holds - :20/:15 work/rest x 5 per arm
By far the best workout I’ve had in a long time. Everything felt strong and solid.