12/14/20 - ME Good Mornings, Squats, and KB Work

ME Lower Body today. This was done just after 0400 on Monday morning.

  • SSB Good Mornings with light bands - 180 x 5 (belt)

  • SSB Squats - 180 x 5 x 5 (no belt)

  • Two-Handed KB Swings - 56 x 10 x 3 - one set every 30 seconds

  • Alternating Reverse Lunges - 44 x 10 x 4 - one set every 30 seconds

Good session all things considered. Good mornings with the safety squat bar always kick my ass.


12/16/20 - ME Close Grip Bench and Other Fun


12/13/20 - DE Bench, Chins, and Push-Ups