12/14/21 - Swiss Bench, Gorilla Rows, and Other Fun

Basement training on a fine Tuesday morning.

  • Swiss Bench - sets of 6 - 155, 165, 175, 185 superset with

  • KB Gorilla Rows - sets of 12 - 20s, 24s, several sets with 28s

  • Neck Harness - 8 kg x 4 x 25 superset with

  • Rolling DB Triceps Extensions - 35s x 4 x 12 superset with

  • Alternating DB Hammer Curls - 35s x 4 x 10

  • Front Neck - mini band x 4 x 25 superset with

  • Band Pull-Aparts - mini band x 4 x 15-25

Great workout and a good sweat. So grateful for my home gym and my ability to train.


12/15/21 - KB Front Squats, Cleans, and Swings


12/13/21 - Steady State Assault Bike