12/17/21 - KB Press, Carries, Etc.

It was 56 F when I woke up at 0400 this morning so I was excited to train out front of the house.

  • One-Arm KB Press - Went through this ladder 5 times and did 2 reps with each arm with every bell for a total of 10 reps with each arm for each bell - 16, 20, 24, 28, 32

  • Farmers Carries - 32s x 4 trips superset with

  • One-Arm Rack Squats - 28 kg x 4 x 5/5

  • Iron Neck Work - nice and easy superset with

  • KB Rope Curls - 20 kg x 4 x 10

Great session on a beautiful morning. My left shoulder still feels like shit from low-bar squats about 10 days ago.


12/19/21 - Box Squats, Block Pulls, and KB Swings


12/16/21 - Rower HIIT and Mace Ladders