12/7/20 - ME Trap Bar, Marches, and Shrugs
ME Lower Body today.
Trap Bar (high handles) - Worked up to 435 x 1 and then did 405 x 3 x 2 - I haven’t used the trap bar in years and it felt great. The last two times I deadlifted from a higher position (block pulls and trap bar high handles) everything just felt so much better and more natural. Duh, you made the lift easier, Mark. I get it, but my 6’7” frame was happy with the position of today’s lift.
Dip Belt KB Marches - 48 x 4 x 100 steps superset with
Trap Bar Shrugs - 225 x 4 x 10-12
Really fun session on a fine Monday. I will be keeping the trap bar in the rotation.