
Woke up with an absolutely raging headache. I must not have drank enough tequila last night. I took Zeus for a walk and then headed to the basement to train.

  • Deadlifts - 330 x 3 x 3 - belt only, easy

  • Hang Cleans - 50 kg x 2 x 5; 60 x 1 x 5; 70 x 2 x 3; 75 x 3 x 3

  • March in place with double 24s racked - 5 sets of 30 seconds with 30 seconds rest in between

Good session, especially considering how I felt when I woke up. My neighbor complained to me yesterday that he could hear a loud banging between 0430 and 0500 yesterday morning. He knows we work out at home so he immediately assumed it was me. I can’t imagine he could hear me in my basement doing my basic bro session while he was all the way upstairs in his bedroom. It seems impossible, especially since the only thing I did that made any noise was landmine rows, and it’s not like I slam those down after each set. Fuck it.



