2/15/22 - Bench, Rows, Etc.

Good basement training session this morning.

  • Swiss Bench - 155 x 6 x 6 - Ridiculously light but so happy I could press something. Shoulder wasn’t perfect but it was good enough.

  • Dumbbell Rows - 60 x 12/12, 70 x 5 x 12/12

  • Kneeling One-Arm KB Press - 16 kg x 4 x 10/10

  • Neck Harness (front) - 14 kg x 4 x 25-30

  • Neck Harness (back) - mini x 4 x 25

So happy to get in some upper body work.


2/16/22 - SSB Box Squats, Lunges, and Carries


2/14/22 - Steady State Assault Bike