2/16/22 - SSB Box Squats, Lunges, and Carries

Got a great training session in this morning after a nice at-home coffee date with Cali.

  • SSB Box (12”) Squats with 50 lbs of chains added - worked up to 170 x 2 x 6, 190 x 3 x 6 - These absolutely kicked my ass. I wore my briefs but no belt and I flipped the SSB so the weight was more out in front of me.

  • Walking Lunges with 35 lb weight vest - 20, 24, 28, 28 superset with

  • Farmers Carries - 32s x 4 trips to Chase’s driveway and back

  • Med Ball Shoulders (took weight vest off) - 100 lbs x 3 x 6 (alternating 3 per side)

This was an awesome session. Next week I’m going to eat a little something beforehand. That seems to prevent the massive blackout head rushes I got after every set today. So grateful for this workout.


2/18/22 - KB Presses and Arms


2/15/22 - Bench, Rows, Etc.