3/29/22 - Bench, Rows, Curls, and Sled Drags

Got some old school basement training in this morning.

  • Bench - worked up to 185 x 3 x 5 superset with

  • Landmine Rows - 20-50 kg x sets of 10

  • Hammer Curls - 4 sets

This was just what a needed. I haven’t done regular straight bar bench in forever. Shoulders felt great.

Went back out at lunchtime to do some sled drags. Just did backward, forward, and lateral with 90-115 lbs. This was a good way to move and blow off some steam after a work meeting that kind of pissed me off.


3/30/22 - Squats, Maces, Snatches


3/28/22 - Jiu-Jitsu Day 107