Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

6/4/20 - Morning Cardio

Did 45 minutes and 16.2 miles on the Air Bike early this morning. This was a pleasant ride followed up with one awesome mile with Zeus. The Crime in Sports - Corey Dillon episode kept me thoroughly entertained.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

6/3/20 - KB Snatches

Walked one awesome mile with Zeus this morning and decided to get my snatches done. I’m hoping to go pick up a new bicycle in Randolph, New Jersey, this afternoon, but it all depends on if they have it ready.

  • Snatches with 24 kg EMOM - 3 rounds of:

    • 3+3

    • 7+7

    • 5+5

    • Rest three minutes

Very easy session on a beautiful morning with temps in the low 60s.

Did an 18 kg weight vest walk on my lunch break. Went about 2.75 miles total. Cali and I had to jog the last little bit because a crazy storm was blowing in.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

6/2/20 - Presses, Maces, and Carries

Great lunchtime session today. The skies were overcast but it was still warm and Zeus helped me out.

  • KB Presses - 32 x 4 x (2, 3)

  • Quad Mace work - Whole bunch of 360s and 10-2s. I can tell I’m out of practice with my mace work…superset with

  • Carries - 32 x single rack and suitcase

Zeus letting me know he approves of my workout.

Zeus letting me know he approves of my workout.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

6/1/20 - Swings and Other Fun

Great lunchtime training session out back in the sunshine. Zeus helped me out and did lots of ball chasing.

  • One-Handed Swings done EMOM with 36 kg - Five rounds of:

    • 3+3

    • 7+7

    • 5+5

    • Rest three minutes

  • DBL FS in “Rounds of 2” format - 5 rounds of 1:00/1:00:

    • Odd minutes - DBL FS - 36s x 3

    • Even minutes - Rest

  • Lat Pulldowns - 115 x 4 x 10 superset with

  • 80-lb sandbag shoulder carries

I actually felt much stronger this session (especially on swings) than I thought I would considering my hips and glutes are still sore from Saturday’s march.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

5/30/20 - Trekking on the Schuylkill River Trail



Cali and I did a long walk down the Schuylkill River Trail today. We started at the northernmost trailhead by our house and walked all the way to Phoenixville and back. It was a total of 16.36 miles in 5:33:14. Roughly 40 minutes of that was our lunch stop at Nudy’s Cafe on Bridge Street.



The weather could not have been more perfect for this adventure with temps in the 70s and bright sunshine all day. There were lots of people out enjoying the day. The only way it could have been any better is if Zeus had been able to join us, but it wouldn’t have been good for our old pup.

Cali and I are both so grateful for our health and everything else we have in life, including each other. It feels good to be in shape and able to do something like this on a whim with a person that you love and cherish.



Final Totals

Final Totals

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion


Lunchtime training session on a nice warm and muggy day.

  • Snatches with 24 kg EMOM - 2 rounds of:

    • 3+3

    • 7+7

    • 5+5

    • Rest three minutes

  • 8 “Rounds of 2” timer set for 1:00/:45

    • Odd Rounds - 150-lb sandbag load to each shoulder (16 total)

    • Even Rounds - 4 chins (various grips - 32 total)

Great session. I love the Rounds of 2 format. I didn’t want to overdo it today because Cali and I are planning a ruck to Phoenixville and back tomorrow. Should be fun.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion


Quick lunchtime session today. Definitely feeling yesterday’s bike ride and my lack of sleep last night.

  • Swiss Bench - 200 x 3 x 5 - This was not easy.

  • Landmine Rows - 90 x 5 x 10

  • KB Suitcase Holds - 44 x 5 x 20 sec per hand - 5 sec in between to switch hands

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion


Went for a bike ride on the Perkiomen Trail today.

15.2 miles in 1:21:05.

This was a lot of fun with some nice scenery.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion


Lunchtime training session out back in the sunshine today. Absolutely beautiful with Zeus helping.

  • Snatches with 24 kg EMOM - 3 rounds of:

    • 3+3

    • 7+7

    • 5+5

    • Rest three minutes

  • Press - 28 x 3 x (2, 3, 5)

  • DBL Cleans - 28s x 5 x 5

  • DBL Rack Carries - 28s x 5 trips

Awesome session. The 28s worked me over pretty good. I could tell I did a lot of activity this past weekend.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion


Went for a nice bike ride on the Schuylkill River Trail this morning…20.71 miles in 1:49:19. Just building that base.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion


Training in the basement:

  • Squats - 320 x 3, 2, 2

  • DL - 370 x 2 - felt like complete shit

I need to back off the barbell training if I really want to push the kettlebells and bicycle. I’ll figure it out.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion


Warm and humid during my lunch break today. Just the way I like it. It was one of those days where I felt like I could just keep doing stuff for hours.

  • Snatches with 24 kg EMOM - 3 rounds of:

    • 3+3

    • 7+7

    • 5+5

    • Rest three minutes

  • Grad workout (2 cleans, 1 press, 3 front squats) - DBL 24s - 10 sets EMOM - This worked me.

  • Lat Pulldowns - 70 x 15, 90 x 4 x 15

  • Carries - waiter carries superset with grenade ball carries - all done with 24 kg - 3 trips of each

Fuck yeah, Motherfucker!

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion


This morning taught me that I am not in good rower condition. I’ve been seeing Shawn Baker’s Instagram videos and getting inspired to row.

I did five rounds of 1000m/5 min rest

  1. 3:29.9 - 1:44.9/500m

  2. 3:39.8 - 1:49.9/500m

  3. 3:49.5 - 1:54.7/500m

  4. 3:49.9 - 1:54.9/500m

  5. 3:49.4 - 1:54.7/500m

I came out of the gates way too aggressively on the first two rounds and it almost wrecked me. This was a good workout though. I definitely need more time on the rower.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion


  • One-Handed Swings done EMOM with 36 kg - Four rounds of:

    • 3+3

    • 7+7

    • 5+5

    • Rest three minutes

  • KB Press - 32 kg x 3 x (1, 2, 3) - Super happy with this. I’ve never pressed the 32 for more than a double before today.

  • Weighted Chins - 20 lbs x 6 x 3 (various grips)

  • Carries - rack and suitcase with 32 kg - six total trips

Really fun workout.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion


Really fun training session at lunch today.

  • Snatches with 24 kg EMOM - 2 rounds of:

    • 3+3

    • 7+7

    • 5+5

    • Rest three minutes

  • Swiss Bar Bench - 195 x 3 x 5 - This bar continues to feel great on my shoulders.

  • Swiss Bar Rows - 5 x 12 with 95, 105, 110, 110, 110 (or something like that) - I like this bar for rows because it puts me in a position where it is very hard to cheat.

  • KB Curls - 12s x 3 x 10

This left me feeling strong and refreshed. Time to eat and rest up until Wednesday.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion


Went for a bike ride on the Schuylkill River Trail this morning…15.6 miles in 1:15:43. I consider this “city mountain biking” since I’m on a mountain bike but the trail cuts through cities and is paved in a lot of spots.

This was a good butt-kicking. I’m excited to build my base on the bike as the summer goes on. Perfect temperatures this morning too.


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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion


Wanted to squat, deadlift, and do something else fun for training today. This was a blast.

  • Squats - 315 x 1 x 5 - Tougher than 310 last week but I also didn’t eat or rest nearly as much this past week. Still solid though.

  • Deadlift - 365 x 1 x 5 - Not too bad.

  • 100-lb med ball over the shoulder - 2 x 10

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion


Walked three miles with an 18 kg weight vest this morning. I haven’t done this in a while but I’ll be sure to add it in more regularly. Beautiful morning.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion


Trained some kettlebells out in the warm weather today.

  • One-Handed Swings done EMOM with 36 kg - Four rounds of:

    • 3+3

    • 7+7

    • 5+5

    • Rest three minutes

  • KB Press - 28 kg x 2 x (2, 3, 5) superset with

  • Chins - BW x 2 x (2, 3, 5)

Short, sweet, and fun. My swings felt much stronger today than on Monday. Monday was kind of a wake-up call that I hadn’t done swings in a long time.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion


Rode the Assault bike for the first time in quite a while. It’s obvious I haven’t been doing any steady state cardio, but I still had fun and felt great.

  • 10 miles in 28:16

I’ll get a lot of walking in the rest of the day as well.

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