Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

9/15/20 - Getups

Today is a recovery day, which means some walking around the neighborhood. I decided to add in some getups today as well. They’re kind of like weighted yoga/stretching. It’s been a very long time since I did getups, but these felt pretty good. 16 x 3, 20 x 1, 24 x 1.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

9/14/20 - Snatches, Presses, Carries

Kept it short and sweet today after a few solid weekend days of training.

  • Snatches with 32 kg - 3 rounds of:

    • 3 snatches every 30 seconds for 5 sets

    • Rest 3 minutes

  • Single-Arm KB Press - 32 x (1, 2, 3), 36 x (1, 1, 1)

  • Horn Carries - 36 x 4 trips to the hoop and back

This was fun and refreshing and the weather was beautiful.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

9/13/20 - Bike Ride

I hit the Perkiomen Trail this morning from Graterford to Green Lane Park and back. It was a beautiful morning and the trail wasn’t overly busy. I’m clearly not in top biking form, but I’m happy with the pace I was able to maintain. It’s uncertain how many more rides I’ll be able to get in this year, but it’s sure been a fun summer on the trails.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

9/12/20 - Bench, Deadlift, Row

Solid training session in the basement on this fine Saturday morning.

  • Swiss Bench - 165 x 5, 185 x 3, 205 x 5, 165 x 5 x 5

  • Deadlift - 270 x 5, 310 x 3, 345 x 5

  • Barbell Rows - 135 x 6, 155 x 6, 175 x 3 x 6

Everything felt solid here. Keeping bench and deadlifts in my training has made a huge difference in maintaining a decent base of strength.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

9/11/20 - Snatches, Mace, and Pull-ups

This was a great training session on a humid 72 F morning.

  • Snatches with 28 kg - 2 rounds of:

    • 5 snatches every 30 seconds for 5 sets

    • Rest 3 minutes

  • 30-lb Mace Swings EMOM

    • 1st 4 min - 10 360s

    • Last 2 min - 15 10-2s

  • Grip Genie Nunchuck Pull-ups - BW x 5 x 2, 3 x 3 - This was my first time using these grips and they felt fantastic. They might be my favorite variation.



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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

9/9/20 - Grad Workout

It has been way too long since I’ve done double cleans, presses, and front squats, so the Grad Workout seemed like the perfect answer.

  • 28s x 2 CL + 1 OHP + 3 FS - 15 rounds EMOM

I didn’t do anything else because this was enough. Good times in some beautiful weather. Arvid reluctantly came for a short walk with me afterwards.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

9/7/20 - Snatches and Carries

Today was the beginning of an 8-week snatch program.

  • Snatches with 24 kg - 3 rounds of:

    • 7 snatches every 30 seconds for 5 sets

    • Rest 3 minutes

  • Carries

    • Single KB rack - 2 x 3 of left arm down, right arm back

    • Suitcase - 2 x 3 of left arm down, right arm back

This was a fun and refreshing session. My plan is to stay sober during this eight week stretch. I plan on testing with a 32 kg on the last day, Friday October 30. Should be a fun training camp to get me into a good mindset and make me focus on training and healthy eating.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

9/6/20 - Bench, Deadlift, Pull-ups

Awesome training session on this fine Labor Day weekend.

  • Swiss Bench - 140 x 5, 165 x 5, 185 x 5, 140 x 5 x 5

  • Deadlift - 235 x 5, 270 x 5, 310 x 5

  • Grenade Pull-ups - I didn’t do a great job of keeping track, but I think I did BW x 3, 2, 2, 3, 10 kg KB x 4 x 3 - These were challenging and fun. I’m so pumped we hung the new pull-up hooks on the garage ceiling. I plan on having all kinds of fun with these implements.


The weather here this weekend could not be more perfect and Arvid is settling into the routine and meeting other people and dogs in the neighborhood. Life is good over here.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

9/5/20 - Jumps, Mace, Prowler

Trained with a bit of a hangover headache on a beautiful summer morning.

Rounds of 3 - EMOM for 10 rounds:

  • 24” box jumps x 3

  • Quad Mace - 10 360s (1st 8 min), 15 10-2s (last 2 min)

  • Prowler - 135 lbs to the hoop and back, all on the high handles

I just wanted to move today and this did the trick. I’m so grateful for all that I have.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

9/4/20 - Perkiomen Trail Bike Ride

The weather was absolutely gorgeous today. I forgot my GPS watch, but that was just fine. Rode from Collegeville to Green Lane Park and back. This was really fun and relaxing.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

8/30/20 - Bench, Deadlift, Sleds, Etc.

Awesome Sunday morning training session.

  • Swiss Bench - 155 x 3, 175, x 3, 195 x 8, 155 x 5 x 5

  • Deadlift - 255 x 3, 290 x 3, 325 x 5

  • Sled Rows - 4 plates x 100 total

  • Sled Reverse Flyes - 70 x 40 total

  • Shrugs - 32s x 4 x 10-12

  • Chins - 1-Towel Grip x 2 x 5

I just had a lot of fun messing around after my main work today. The weather was gorgeous and Cali was out training so it was a ton of fun. So grateful for my strength and healthy body.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

8/28/20 - Green Lane Park Hiking

Cali and I went for a six mile, roughly two hour hike today at Green Lane Park. It was an absolutely perfect morning with warm weather and sunshine. Today was our ten year wedding anniversary. Time sure flies. Here’s to another ten great years.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

8/27/20 - 28 kg Snatch Test

I nailed a snatch test with the 28 kg today. 101 reps in five minutes. My cardio held up well but my grip was in rough shape by the end. I think I’ve done this twice before, but it’s been over a year. I’m really pleased with this as an end to my second run through of my Swing/Snatch program. I haven’t tried a snatch test since the end of my first cycle when I completed it with the 24. I’m excited to see where I can go when I actually start focusing on the snatch test. Completing it with a 32 would be the ultimate for me.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

8/25/20 - Swings and Dips

Early morning session today.

  • Swings with 40 kg EMOM - 2 rounds of:

    • 3+3

    • 7+7

    • 5+5

    • Rest three minutes

  • Dips -BW x 6 x 5 - Haven’t done these in forever but they felt great.

Short and sweet. Time to rest for a few days before a snatch test on Friday.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

8/24/20 - Swings and a Circuit

Lunchtime training today.

  • Swings with 40 kg EMOM - 4 rounds of:

    • 3+3

    • 7+7

    • 5+5

    • Rest three minutes

  • Rounds of 3 - EMOM for 6 rounds:

    • Thrusters - 32 kg KB x 2 per side (12 per side total)

    • 4 Chins - varying grips (24 total)

    • 200-lb Sandbag Shoulder (6 reps total)

This ended up being a great workout, which I did not anticipate after yesterday’s bike ride ate me up. I felt strong and had a great sweat going in the warm sunshine.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

8/23/20 - Biking with a Friend

I went riding through Amish country with my buddy Pete this morning. I was dragging ass and couldn’t maintain any kind of pace. The weather was warm and pleasant despite some heavy fog. 29.29 miles in ~2:10:00.

I’m due for a deload here. One more week on Swing/Snatch and then I’ll rest.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

8/22/20 - Valley Forge Hike with Cali

One of my favorite things to do in the whole world was take Zeus hiking at Valley Forge. I miss him dearly, but Cali and I still enjoyed walking a five mile loop on a beautiful August day.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

8/21/20 - Swings, Push Presses, and Mace Work

Great lunchtime training session today.

  • Swings with 40 kg EMOM - 5 rounds of:

    • 3+3

    • 7+7

    • 5+5

    • Rest three minutes

  • KB Push Presses - DBL 28s x 5 x 5 (one set every 90 sec for five rounds) - The last rep of the last set was awful.

  • Quad Mace work EMOM for 10 min

    • First 6 min - 10 360s of various grips and directions

    • Last 4 min - 10 10-2s

Great session outside in some beautiful weather. Dorian kept me company and Cali worked out alongside me.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

8/20/20 - Perkiomen Trail Bike Ride

Did a nice bike ride on a beautiful sunny afternoon. 30.35 miles in ~2:08. It was hard to keep pace today. I got stuck waiting at the light in Collegeville and there were some rough spots on the trail from that storm a few weeks ago. A very good time nonetheless.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

8/19/20 - Snatches and Carries

Lunchtime training today on a nice warm day.

  • Snatches with 28 kg EMOM - 3 rounds of:

    • 3+3

    • 7+7

    • 5+5

    • Rest three minutes

  • Farmers Carries with double 48s - 3 trips to Chase’s driveway and back, setting the bells down and resting after each straightaway.

Good little low-key session.

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