Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

9/4/21 - Jiu-Jitsu Day 76

Great Saturday class with some outstanding people. Worked on some step-back techniques into a leg lock. I think this will prove useful but I need to practice it live. I got in some great rolls with some new folks. Onward and upward.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

9/3/21 - Jiu-Jitsu Day 75 and a Bro Workout

Small and kind of low-key morning class today. We worked on armbar position and breaking the opponent’s grip. This was really good for me to learn. The bad news is that Ryan told us Anthony was moving and likely would not be teaching at our gym anymore. This is heartbreaking as I have always loved Anthony’s classes and he’s an all-around great guy. Onward and upward.

Got in a bro workout later in the day.

  • Press - 110 x 3 x 5

  • Bis and Tris fun - CGBP, DB curls, rolling DB tris, and one-arm standing DB preacher curls

I’m enjoying these Friday workouts.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

9/1/21 - Squats and DB Rows

Hit up some squats when I got home from Oswego.

  • 165 x 5, 190 x 5, 215 x 5, 175 x 5 x 6

I’m tired but these all felt great. I did a few extra back-off sets since I didn’t get to roll this morning.

  • One-Arm DB Rows - all sets of 10/arm - 50, 60, 70, 75 - So happy my lat is good enough to handle these. Now I just need to be able to do chins.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

8/31/21 - Rounds of 3 Fun at the Hotel

Hit up a hotel gym workout this morning.

  • Rounds of 3 with 45 second intervals - 10 rounds of:

    • One-Arm DB Snatch - 50 lbs x 6 (alternating 3/arm)

    • 10 Push-ups

    • 45 seconds jump rope

It really felt great to move and get a sweat going. I always love jumping rope during these road workouts.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

8/30/21 - Jiu-Jitsu Day 74 and Cali’s First Day

Really fun class today and I’m so happy Cali came with for her first day ever. Worked on stand-up and choking from the back. This was a small class but a really fun group of people. Time to hit the road to Oswego, NY, for work for a couple days. Onward and upward.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

8/29/21 - Front Squats and Bench

Basement training on a fine Sunday morning:

  • Front Squats - 70 kg x 3, 80 kg x 3, 90 kg x 3, 100 kg x 3 - barefoot and beltless - felt solid

  • Bench - 155 x 3, 180 x 3, 200 x 5, 155 x 3 x 6 - felt great, no shoulder issues

Still nursing the right lat but I think it’s coming around. I had fun doing the front squats but I’ll be pumped when I can deadlift again.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

8/27/21 - Jiu-Jitsu Day 73 and a Bro Workout

Small but fun class on this fine Friday morning. We worked on some stand-up techniques and a baseball choke in the gi. I was sorry to hear we lost two of our new guys already. One of them was a really good training partner for me in terms of size and skill. Oh well. Onward and upward.

Got a lift in later in the day.

  • Press - 75 x 3, 85 x 3, 95 x 5, 75 x 3 x 6 - Dropped the weights way down on this movement since hurting my neck a few weeks ago. These all felt fine so I’m looking forward to putting more weight on the bar.

  • Did a bunch of bis and tris work - BB curls, skull crushers, hammer curls, and triceps pushdowns with a band - This was fun. I love the new dumbbells.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

8/25/21 - Jiu-Jitsu Day 72 and Squats

Outstanding morning class that absolutely kicked my butt. We worked on taking the back from side control and a lapel choke. This was a ton of fun and an unbelievable workout. I love the people over at that gym. Onward and upward.

Got in some squats later in the day.

  • 175 x 3, 200 x 3, 225 x 5, 175 x 3 x 6 - Everything felt solid.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

8/24/21 - Jiu-Jitsu Day 71

Fantastic morning class with some of my favorite people. I was the only white belt in there which means I got my butt kicked and learned a lot. I was very happy to see Anthony back instructing despite a banged up knee. Onward and upward.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

8/23/21 - Jiu-Jitsu Day 70

Great morning class with a small group of wonderful people. Worked on more stand-up stuff and a little bit of back-taking techniques. I had a lot of fun rolling with Brandon. He’s a little bit newer than me but he’s a great matchup for me. Onward and upward.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

8/22/21 - Bench and Good Mornings

Basement training on a rainy Sunday morning. I still can’t deadlift because of my lat so I did good mornings instead.

  • Bench - 165 x 5, 185 x 3, 205 x 5, 215 x 3 x 2

  • Dead Stop Cambered Bar Good Mornings from Pin #9 - 165 x 3 x 5 - could tell I haven’t done these in a long time

  • DB Bench - 45 x 12, 55 x 12, 60 x 2 x 12

  • Single Leg DL - 14 kg x 3 x 5

  • Goblet Squats - 40 kg x 3 x 6

This was actually a really good session. I’m going to do a cycle with good mornings and hope that my lat is all healed up for the next round.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

8/21/21 - Biking with Cali

I had planned on going to jiu-jitsu this Saturday but I was at the dog park with Arvid and it occurred to me that the weather was absolutely perfect and I needed to do something outside. This winter will surely deliver plenty of gloomy days for training indoors, but for now I’m trying to savor the last bit of summer. I ended up biking 15 miles with Cali on the Perkiomen Trail. It was obvious I haven’t been biking much because my legs were dead, but it was a beautiful day in the sunshine with my hot wife.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

8/20/21 - Jiu-Jitsu Day 69

Great morning class with a small group of really awesome people. Worked on some really good stand-up techniques and reviewed the armbar and a sweep from guard. Onward and upward.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

8/18/21 - Jiu-Jitsu Day 68

Great class this morning with some wonderful people. We worked on stand-up game with lots of live drilling and then did one gi choke from turtle. I told Scott that he’s my jiu-jitsu hero because he’s 10 years older than me and just a nasty tough purple belt. So grateful for this gym and this sport. Onward and upward.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

8/17/21 - Jiu-Jitsu Day 67

Great morning class taught by Tony M. We did a ton of tumbling and ground work movement for the first half hour. I love that kind of stuff and I see the value in it as I age. I also really noticed the benefits during my camping trip last weekend because I was not really bothered at all by sleeping on the ground.

I was nervous about getting back to the gym after nearly two weeks off. My neck and right lat have still been sore but everything held up fine today. I’m very grateful for that. Onward and upward.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

8/12/21 - KB Swings and Presses

I’m driving to Michigan today so I wanted to get a little movement in before sitting all day.

  • Two-Handed Swings - 28 x 10 x 10 (OTM)

  • One-Arm KB Press - 24 x 3 x 5 - Couldn’t clean the bell on my right side due to my lat.

  • DB Curls - 25 x 15, 30 x 2 x 10

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

8/10/21 - Squats and Sled Drags

Was grateful to be able to do some squats this morning after deadlifting didn’t work out yesterday.

  • Squats - 185 x 5, 210 x 3, 235 x 5, 245 x 3 x 3 (Joker sets), 175 x 3 x 6 - These all felt good and solid. So happy to be able to get this work in.

I did some sled drags later in the day. Nothing crazy, just 90 lbs up and down the street a bunch of times.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

8/9/21 - Bench and a Pulled Lat

I lifted in the basement this morning.

  • Deadlift - 215 x 5, 250 x 2 - I had to shut these down because my right lat is killing me. I guess I need to let it heal up. Pisses me off.

  • Bench - 140 x 5, 165 x 5, 185 x 5, 155 x 3 x 6 - Felt very easy and solid.

I’m really happy with how my bench has been feeling but I feel really banged up overall. My lat’s killing me and my neck is not 100% which is why I didn’t go to jiu-jitsu this morning. It’s pissing me off but I guess I just need to rest and heal up.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

8/7/21 - Dakota Ridge Trail Hike

We went on a beautiful hike of seven miles or so on the Dakota Ridge Trail across from the Red Rocks Amphitheater today. This was a great hike with lots of time on top of a high ridge and beautiful views for a couple hours.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

8/6/21 - Lifting Disaster and Hiking in Boulder

Woke up tired and stiff so I figured I’d get a lift in on Broc’s new basement setup. This didn’t work out too well for me.

  • Press - I think my two top sets were 120 x 5 but I popped my freaking neck and had to shut it down. It was on the right side and down to my right trap again. Pain in the ass.

  • Chins - Broc’s rack has a nice monkey chin bar so I figured I’d use that. Pulled my right lat.

  • BB Curls - 65 x 3 x 10 - The one thing I managed to do without hurting myself. What a shitshow.

Fortunately the morning lifting disaster was made up for with a great hike in Boulder at Chautauqua Park. We went about four miles or so and enjoyed some beautiful views. Great times with Cali, Broc, Lauren, Matthew, and Chelsi.

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