Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

1/25/21 - Deadlifts, Good Mornings, and Sandbag Fun

Pretty good session today. This was my first time pulling a conventional deadlift from the floor in some time.

  • Deadlift - 255 x 3, 290 x 3, 325 x 5

  • SSB Good Mornings - 130 x 8, 140 x 8, 145 x 8

  • Sandbag Shoulders - 150 lbs - 5 min EMOM - 3, 3, 3, 4

Short and sweet session. Everything felt really solid.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

1/24/21 - Steady State Air Bike

Did 15 miles on the Air Bike in 42:44 today. Cali, Arvid, and Bill were all in the basement distracting me so the time went by quickly. Felt good after this ride.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

1/23/21 - Bench, Rows, Pulldowns, and Curls

Decent training session today.

  • Swiss Bench - 170 x 3, 195 x 3, 220 x 5, 170 x 3 x 5 - Top set was harder than expected.

  • Single-Arm KB Rows - 40 x 8, 32 x 5 x 10

  • Lat Pulldowns - 90 x 10, 115 x 3 x 10

  • KB Rope Curls - 20 x 3 x 10

We had planned on a long hike for today but it was cold and super windy so we decided to skip it.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

1/21/21 - Squats, and Double KB Cleans

Really short and sweet session in the basement today.

  • Squats - 215 x 3, 245 x 3, 275 x 5, 215 x 3 x 5

  • Double KB Cleans - 36s x 5, 40s x 3 x 5

Squats felt really solid today. The bar position and setup were familiar, unlike when I did them on them 10 days ago. I definitely could have pushed the top set more but I’m going to stick to a max set of 5 reps for now, at least on squats and deadlifts.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

1/20/21 - Press, Chins, and Dips

Some 5/3/1 sets today.

  • Press - 100 x 3, 115 x 3, 130 x 6, 100 x 3 x 5

  • Chins - BW x 4 x 5 superset with

  • Dips - BW x 4 x 5

Good little session. The chins and dips were a little harder than expected but I got the work in.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

1/19/21 - Air Bike Sprints

I needed to get this out of my system today.

  • Five minute warm-up

  • Ten intervals of :13/:47 work/rest

  • Six minute cooldown

This was seven miles in just under 21 minutes total. Arvid kept me company and enjoyed the wind coming off the fan.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

1/18/21 - ME Trap Bar, Front Squats, KB Cleans, and a Hike

Today was one of those days that didn’t go like I hoped.

  • Trap Bar (high handles) - 405 x 1 easy, 455 fail, dropped to 440 and felt a pop in my left side. I did something similar on my right side while squatting last winter. This will be a minor inconvenience but I’m not too worried.

  • Front Squats (no belt) - 225 x 3, 250 x 1, 225 x 3

  • One-Arm KB Cleans - 40 x 5/arm, 48 x 5/arm

The trap bar was disappointing but still not a terrible session. I’m grateful that I could do the rest without my side hurting at all. Arvid kept me company the whole time.

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After some breakfast, Arvid and I went to Green Lane Park for a 2.5 mile hike on the Orange Trail. It was wet and sloppy but still fun to be outside.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

1/16/21 - Green Lane Park Blue Trail Hiking

Cali, Arvid, and I hiked the length of the Green Lane Park Blue Trail down and back today. This was actually a workout that covered about nine miles total. There are lots of ups and downs and I was wrestling Arvid the whole way. The weather could not have been better.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

1/15/21 - DE Box Squats, KB Swings, Partial Getups

DE Lower Body today.

  • Box Squats (16”) with average bands - 115 x 12 x 2 - EMOM

  • Two-Handed KB Swings - 48 x 20 x 5 - one set every :30

  • Getups to Kneeling Position - 32 x 4/side

This was a good session. I wasn’t in the mood to box squat today but they felt great once I got going. Arvid kept me company the whole time.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

1/13/21 - ME Swiss Bench, Landmine Rows, KB Presses

ME Upper Body today.

  • Swiss Bench - Worked up to 265 x 1; back-off sets of 175 x 3 x 8 superset with

  • Landmine Rows - 25 kg x 12, 40 x 12, 45 x 12

  • Floor Seated One-Arm KB OHP - 24 x 2 x (2, 3, 5) superset with

  • Landmine Rows - 45 kg x 3 x 12

This was a fun session. Good effort and a good pump.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

1/12/21 - Air Bike Sprints

I had some work-related rage this morning so I took a half hour break to do some Air Bike sprints.

  • Five minute warm-up

  • Ten intervals of :12/:48 work/rest

  • Six minute cool-down

This was seven miles in 21 minutes. Definitely glad I did this workout. It calmed me down a bit.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

1/11/21 - ME Squats and Reverse Lunges

ME Squats today.

  • Squats - Worked up to 335 x 1, 275 x 3 x 3 - Right knee came in a bit on the top set but it moved well. This was my first time doing classic low-bar squats in quite a while. The worst part was my shoulders and elbows trying to hold the bar in position. To be honest, it felt like shit. I need to toughen up. I was pretty much cooked after these sets.

  • Reverse Lunges - 48 kg KB x 3 x 10 (alternating 5/leg)

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

1/10/21 - DE Bench, Press, Chins

My buddy Bill came over this morning for some DE benching.

  • Swiss Bench with light bands - 145 x 5 x 5 - Kept it to ~1:15 but we had to change weights and didn’t always quite make it.

  • Overhead Press - 95, 115, 125, 135 all for 5 reps - These felt good.

  • Nunchuck Chins - BW x 3 x 5

Good little session on a Sunday morning.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

1/8/21 - DE Box Squats, Sumo Pulls, and KB Work

DE Lower Body today.

  • SSB Box Squats (16.75”) with Average Bands - 140 x 5 x 5 - one set every 1:50

  • Sumo Pulls - 225 x 12 x 1 - one set every :20 - These were slow AF. Legs felt tired from yesterday’s cardio.

  • Double KB Cleans - 40s x 5 x 3 - Third set here.

  • Two-Handed Swings - 40 x 5 x 10 - EMOM

Good little session all things considered. I had to get blood drawn this morning so I did this fasted.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

1/7/21 - AM Cardio - Biking and Rowing

Hit up some morning cardio today.

  • 30 minutes on the Air Bike - 10.4 miles

  • 2,000m row - 7:37.2 - 1:54.3/500m

I haven’t done steady state cardio in a long time but everything felt good.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

1/6/21 - ME Incline Bench and Rows

ME Upper Body today.

  • Incline Bench - 235 x 1, one of the slowest reps ever - 185 x 5, 175 x 5, 165 x 5

  • Barbell Rows - 70 kg x 6, 90 x 4 x 6

Nothing too special but I got some work in. The highlight was Arvid helping me the whole time.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

1/3/21 - DE Bench, KB Push Press, and Chins

DE Upper Body on a nice Sunday morning.

  • Swiss Bench with light bands - 135 x 5 x 5 - EMOM

  • One-Arm KB Push Press - 24 x 5/5, 28 x 5/5, 32 x 5/5, 36 x 5/5 superset with

  • Chins - sets of 3 done with nunchucks and various grips on the bar

  • KB Rope Upright Rows - 24 x 3 x 10 superset with

  • More chins, sets of 3

Good session all around. I liked the one-arm KB push presses.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

1/2/21 - Valley Forge Family Hike

Hiked the big outer loop with Cali and Arvid this morning. High of 50 with sunshine today made for a very pleasant time. Lots of people on the trail. ~8.3 miles. Good times.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

1/1/21 - DE Box Squats, Trap Bar DL, and Screwing Around

DE Lower Body on this Friday New Year’s Day.

  • SSB Box Squats (16.75”) with average bands - 130 x 5 x 5 - one set every 1:50

  • Trap Bar Deadlifts with 65 lbs of chains - 275 x 15 x 1 - one set every :25

  • One-Arm KB Rack Carries in basement - 36 kg x 4/arm - walked forwards and backwards

  • Get-ups to kneeling position - 24, 32, 32

Good session this morning.

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