Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

10/29/21 - KB Presses, Mace, and KB Swings

Got some training in this morning.

  • One-Arm KB OHP - 16 x 5, 18 x 5, 20 x 5, 24 x 3 x 5 - The 24 felt like crap with the rib making me feel really weak overall.

  • Rounds of 2 with 1:00 intervals - 10 rounds of:

    • Shoulderok + 10 lbs - 360s x 10 (20 10-2s on the last set)

    • Two-Handed Swings - 28 x 20 (200 total)

I’m glad I did something but my ribs felt like shit after the presses.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

10/27/21 - SSB Box Squats and KB Swings

Got some good basement training in this morning.

  • SSB Box (14”) Squats - 200 x 5, 205 x 2 x 5

  • Two-Handed Swings with 24 kg

    • 10 swings every 30 seconds for 12 rounds (120 total)

The box squats felt great and the ribs didn’t seem to hinder me at all. I’m also really pumped I could do some light swings.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

10/26/21 - Air Bike and Shoulder Work

Ribs are mildly swollen this morning but I tried to get a little training in anyway.

  • 20 minutes Air Bike - 6.7 miles at an easy pace - Listened to Ed Coan on “Raw with Marty Gallagher.”

  • Seated DB OHP - 45s x 6, 8, 7 - These felt good. I rarely do these because I like to do stuff on my feet, but I figured this would be a bit easier on my torso and ribs.

  • Side Lateral Raises - 10s x 3 x 15

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

10/24/21 - Sleds and Maces

Sunday morning training out front of the house with my beautiful Cali.

  • Sled Work - 90 lbs x 10 total trips around the circle. First five trips were continuous dragging front and back. Last five were mixed in with mace swings. One of the last five trips was all rows and presses.

  • Shoulderok Swings - Didn’t count these but I did tons of 360s and two sets of 10-2s with 5-7.5 lbs added. So pumped at how good these felt and that my rib held up.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

10/23/21 - Front Squats

Really felt good and wanted to train on this fine Saturday morning. I figured front squats would feel okay as long as I could keep my torso vertical.

  • Front Squats - 95, 115, 135, 155, 175, 185 all x 6 - Did these barefoot and beltless. The rib held up as long as I breathed in real slow at the top. So pumped I could get these in.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

10/22/21 - KB Goblet Squats and Presses

My ribs are definitely fucked from this past Monday’s jiu-jitsu class, but I was antsy today so I wanted to try some kettlebell work.

  • Goblet Squats - 16 kg x 6, 20 x 6, 24 x 6, 28 x 6, 32 x 6, 36 x 6 40 x 3 x 6

  • KB Press - 12 kg x 10, 16 x 3 x 10

It remains to be seen if this workout was stupid or not. I’m definitely not able to take a real deep breath or buildup any kind of intra-abdominal pressure.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

10/18/21 - Jiu-Jitsu Day 92 and a Popped Rib

Well, this was a super fun class until I popped something in my ribs during my first live roll. It’s on the bottom left part of my ribcage and something definitely got moved out of place. I’m going to try to get it looked at today. This is a huge bummer because I was really looking forward to a few weeks of consistent training and a bunch of us were talking about doing the November 7th tournament. Oh well. I’ll be back on the mat eventually. Onward and upward.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

10/17/21 - Deadlifts and Sleds

Sunday morning training:

  • Deadlifts - 235 x 3, 265 x 3, 300 x 5, 235 x 6

  • Sled Rows and Drags with 160 lbs

  • Carries with 28 kg KB - 2 rack and 1 suitcase before Luke came by and interrupted me. People who don’t train have no respect for not interrupting someone’s session.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

10/16/21 - Hikin’ and Liftin’

Cali went to a lifting seminar in New Jersey today so I took Arvid for a Valley Forge hike. It was so beautiful out there with the leaves changing color and the sun shining.


Got a very short workout in this afternoon. I started and ended with Shoulderok and Quad Mace swings.

  • KB Press - 24 x 3 x (2, 3, 5) - First ladder sucked but then I was good. I guess I should’ve actually warmed up first.

  • Chins - BW x 3 x 3 - So pumped I was able to do these pain-free.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

10/14/21 - Rounds of 3 in the Parking Lot

Worked out in the Dairy Queen parking lot next to the hotel this morning.

  • Rounds of 3 with 45 second intervals - 10 rounds of:

    • Shoulderok + 10 lbs - 360s x 10

    • One-Handed Swings - 28 kg x 10/10

    • Push-ups - BW x 10

This all felt great and I had a really good sweat going.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

10/11/21 - Jiu-Jitsu Day 91

This was a really fun class working on stand-up wrestling techniques and some darce variations. G was great to work with. Onward and upward.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

10/10/21 - KB and Mace Swings

Got in a quick training session this morning. Just wanted to move around a bit, and this was perfect.

  • Two-Handed Swings - 24 x 8 x 25 - did a set every two minutes

  • 10 kg mace work - 360s x 4 x 10, 10-2s x 2 x 15

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

10/8/21 - Jiu-Jitsu Day 90, Press, and Arms

Outstanding Friday morning class with a great group of 10 people. This was a really fun end to a great week of training. Worked on stand-up techniques and then progressing into some different darce chokes. I couldn’t be happier with how this week went. Onward and upward.

Got some training in later in the day.

  • One-Arm KB Press - 24 x 2 x (2, 3, 5), (2, 3)

  • 10 kg Mace 360s x 4 x 10 superset with

  • Carries - 24 kg x rack, waiter, suitcase

  • DB Curls - 30s x 4 x 10

Good quick session. I’m excited to get back to pressing kettlebells and swinging maces. No shoulder discomfort today.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

10/6/21 - Jiu-Jitsu Day 89 and Squats

Amazing morning class with 13 total people. This was just a great group of folks all trying to get better. Worked on mount escapes which I desperately need to learn. My neck felt better than it has in a few weeks. Onward and upward.

Got some squats in later in the day.

  • Squats - 195 x 5, 225 x 3, 250 x 5, 185 x 5 x 6

  • Split Squats - 35s x 3 x 6

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

10/4/21 - Jiu-Jitsu Day 88 and Benchin’

Great morning class with a pretty good-sized crew of people. We worked on some escapes from bottom side control. I really feel like my neck has been holding me back the last few weeks. It hurts when I do just about everything. Very annoying. Onward and upward.

Got some benches in later in the day.

  • Bench - 170 x 5, 195 x 3, 215 x 5, 160 x 3 x 8

  • One-Arm DB Rows - 60, 65, 70, 75 all for sets of 12

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

10/3/21 - Deadlifts, Sled Drags, and Swings

Good training session this morning.

  • Deadlift - 240 x 5, 275 x 3, 305 x 5, 320 x 3 x 3 (Jokers)

  • Sled Drags - 2 plates x 5 trips (forward down, backwards back)

  • Two-Handed Swings - 24 x 40, 40, 20

This was a good session. The high-rep sets of swings really kick my butt. Deadlifts felt better than they have in a long time.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

10/2/21 - Bike Ride

Rode 21 miles on the Perkiomen Trail this morning. The weather could not have been more beautiful. Graterford to Green Lane Park and back. Great to be out in the sunshine.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

10/1/21 - Press, Bis, and Tris

Got in a garage session on a beautiful fall day.

  • Press - 75 x 5, 85 x 5, 95 x 5, 80 x 3 x 6

  • Dips - BW x 3 x 6 superset with

  • KB Rope Curls - 20 kg x 3 x 10

  • Light band triceps pushdowns - 3 x 15-20 superset with

  • One-Arm KB Curls - 12 kg x 3 x 8

My press has been feeling like crap ever since I strained my neck. I’m using ridiculously light weights and it’s still rather uncomfortable.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

9/30/21 - Burpees and Jump Rope

Just wanted to get up and get a quick sweat going. Today is going to be a long day with wrapping up the inspection and heading home.

  • 20 minute running clock - 10 rounds

    • 10 burpees followed by rest until the next minute

    • 30 seconds jump rope

    • 30 seconds rest

I love the jump rope when I’m on travel.

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