Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

12/30/21 - Power Cleans and 2,000m Row

Good basement session this morning: Just wanted to do something quick and move around a bit.

  • Power Cleans - 75 kg x 5 x 2 - felt okay

  • 2,000m row in 6:59.1 - This was tough and left me shaking. Really only the last 500m felt like suffering.

  • Neck harness front and back

Mission accomplished for today.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

12/29/21 - Double Kettlebell Clean and Press and Lat Pulldowns

Great session in the garage.

  • Double KB Clean and Press - 30 minutes - sets of 4 with 20s - 31 sets for 124 total reps - did one set on the minute until the very end when I had to do one more for Iron Mountain

  • Lat Pulldowns - worked up to 90 lbs for a few sets of 10-12 reps


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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

12/28/21 - Cambered Bar Box Squats and Light Carries

Just wanted to get in a quick early morning session.

  • Cambered Bar 15.5” Box Squats with 50 lbs of chains - 205 x 3 x 5 - felt good and strong

  • Carries - to hoop and back

    • 32 single rack with a squat at each stop

    • 32 horn with two squats at each stops

    • 32s farmers down and back

  • Iron Neck - nice and easy

Great session.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

12/27/21 - Double KB Clean and Press, Carries, and Rows

Great outdoor session on a cool morning.

  • Double KB Clean and Press - 30 minutes - sets of 6 with 20s - 19 total sets for 114 total reps

  • 150-lb sandbag carries - 4 trips to the hoop and back

  • Double KB Gorilla Rows - 28s x 2 x 12, 32s x 2 x 12

Great session. The 25 F weather didn’t bother me a bit.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

12/25/21 - SSB Squats, Block Pulls, and Stuff

Got in a good Christmas day lift despite a hangover and some associated dizziness.

  • SSB Squats - worked up to 230 x 5

  • Block Pulls (7 mats) - 355 x 5 top set - not bad at all

  • Two-Handed Swings - 40 kg x 10 x 10 (EMOM)

  • DB Shrugs - 55 x 15, 65 x 3 x 15 superset with

  • Mini Band Pull-Aparts - 4 x 15

  • Iron Neck - nice and easy

Good session all things considered. I’m so ready to sober up.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

12/24/21 - Double Kettlebell Clean and Press and Nunchuck Chins

It was an absolutely beautiful day here today so Cali and I both trained out front in the sunshine.

  • Double Kettlebell Clean and Press - 30 minute running clock - 21 sets of 5 reps for 105 total - This is Day 1 of a new program I’m running. This was a ton of fun and left me feeling good.

  • Nunchuck Chins - BW x 5 x 3 - managed to pop something in my elbow which now hurts like hell

So great training outside with my hot wife.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

12/22/21 - KB Front Squats, Cleans, DB Bench, Chins, Etc.

Basement training session:

  • Double KB Front Squats - sets of 5 - 16s, 20s, 24s, 28s, 32s, 36s

  • Power Cleans - worked up to 74 kg x 5 x 2

  • DB Bench - 50s x 12, 60s x 10, 70s x 8, 75s x 3 x 6 superset with

  • Chins - BW x 6 x 3 (various grips)

  • Neck Harness Work - Front (8 kg x 4 x 25) - Rear (mini band x 4 x 25) superset with

  • Seated Bent Over Rear Delt Raises - 5s x 8 x 15-20

Pretty great session. Cleans felt solid.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

12/21/21 - KB Snatches and Mace 360s

Trained outside in some cold weather.

  • KB Snatches with 24 kg - 12 EMOM for 10 minutes, alternating hands each minutes (120 total)

  • Mace Swings - 2 trips through ladder with 20 360s at each mace

    • 20-lb Adex

    • 25-lb Quad

    • 30-lb RUS

I’m not in good snatch shape but this was a good session.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

12/19/21 - Box Squats, Block Pulls, and KB Swings

Felt strong right from the start of this basement training session.

  • SSB (14”) Box Squats - sets of 6 up to 210

  • Block Pulls (7 mats) - 350 x 5 - easy top set

  • Running Clock - 5 rounds of 40 alternating hand swings with 28 kg every 3 minutes (200 total)

This was a great all-around session.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

12/17/21 - KB Press, Carries, Etc.

It was 56 F when I woke up at 0400 this morning so I was excited to train out front of the house.

  • One-Arm KB Press - Went through this ladder 5 times and did 2 reps with each arm with every bell for a total of 10 reps with each arm for each bell - 16, 20, 24, 28, 32

  • Farmers Carries - 32s x 4 trips superset with

  • One-Arm Rack Squats - 28 kg x 4 x 5/5

  • Iron Neck Work - nice and easy superset with

  • KB Rope Curls - 20 kg x 4 x 10

Great session on a beautiful morning. My left shoulder still feels like shit from low-bar squats about 10 days ago.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

12/16/21 - Rower HIIT and Mace Ladders

I haven’t used the Concept2 rower in a very long time so I decided to knock the dust off it today.

  • Concept2 HIIT - 10 intervals of:

    • 125m row

    • 1:00 minute rest

  • Mace ladder - 10 360s on first two trips, 15 10-2s on last trip:

    • Shoulderok + 2.5 lbs

    • 15-lb fixed mace

    • 20-lb Adex mace

    • Quad mace (25-lbs)

    • 30-lb fixed mace

This was a fun morning session. The rower felt good and strong and it was in the low-50s so I had to get outside and swing some maces. Good times.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

12/15/21 - KB Front Squats, Cleans, and Swings

Got after it in the basement starting around 0430 today.

  • Double KB Front Squats - worked up to 32s x 3 x 6 - wore my knee sleeves and olympic shoes and felt great

  • Power Cleans - worked up to 72 kg x 5 x 2 - My form was not consistent on these. I definitely yanked with my arms a few times.

  • Two-Handed KB Swings - 5 swings every 30 seconds

    • 48 kg first 7 sets - these were tough

    • 44 kg next 7 sets

    • 40 kg last 7 sets

  • Barbell Shrugs - 72 kg x 4 x 15

Great session overall. Arvid kept me company the whole time.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

12/14/21 - Swiss Bench, Gorilla Rows, and Other Fun

Basement training on a fine Tuesday morning.

  • Swiss Bench - sets of 6 - 155, 165, 175, 185 superset with

  • KB Gorilla Rows - sets of 12 - 20s, 24s, several sets with 28s

  • Neck Harness - 8 kg x 4 x 25 superset with

  • Rolling DB Triceps Extensions - 35s x 4 x 12 superset with

  • Alternating DB Hammer Curls - 35s x 4 x 10

  • Front Neck - mini band x 4 x 25 superset with

  • Band Pull-Aparts - mini band x 4 x 15-25

Great workout and a good sweat. So grateful for my home gym and my ability to train.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

12/13/21 - Steady State Assault Bike

14.5 miles in 40 minutes on the Assault bike this morning. Really good session with Arvid keeping me company. Just jammed out to some country music and enjoyed getting a sweat.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

12/12/21 - Block Pulls and Sunday Morning Fun

Good Sunday morning training session. I didn’t start until 0900 and was on an empty stomach so I had a few little light-headed episodes. I seem to have some lingering COVID effects but nothing major.

  • Block Pulls (7 mats) - worked up to 345 x 5

  • Double KB Cleans - 24s x 5, 28s x 5, 32s x 2 x 5 superset with

  • 100-lb med ball over-the-shoulder tosses - 2, 4, 4, 4

  • Walking Double KB Lunges - 16s x 5 x 20 superset with

  • Chins (various grips) - BW x 5 x 4

  • Iron Neck Work - slow and steady

  • Adex Mace Swings - 20-lbs x 20 360s, 25-lbs x 20 360s

Overall a good session. Looking forward to getting completely passed all this sinus crap.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

12/10/21 - Rounds of 2 and KB Fun

Outstanding workout out front on a cold and dark December morning.

  • Rounds of 2 format - 45 second intervals - 10 rounds of:

    • Grad Complex (2 CL, 1 OHP, 3 FS) with 24s - left shoulder felt like shit from squatting on Wednesday

    • 12 360s with 27.5 lb Adex mace

  • Double KB OHP - sets of 5 - 16s, 18s, 20s, 22s superset with

  • Goblet Squats - 32 x 6, 36 x 6, 40 x 6, 44 x 6

  • Double Front Rack Carries - 20s x 4 trips to the hoop and back

Something about training hard in the dark while the rest of the neighborhood is sleeping. Get some.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

12/9/21 - Assault Bike Sprints

10.2 miles in 30 minutes on the Assault bike. Really great session. Felt good and strong.

  • 5 minute warmup

  • 15 intervals of :10/:50 work/rest

  • 10 minute cooldown

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

12/8/21 - Squats, Power Cleans, Etc.

Great basement training session this morning:

  • Squats - 230 x 3 x 5 - easy but left shoulder felt like shit

  • Power Cleans - 70 kg x 5 x 2

  • Barbell Shrugs - 70 kg x 4 x 10-12 superset with

  • Neck Harness - 7 kg x 4 x 30

  • Alternating One-Hand Swings - 24 x 2 x 26, 28 x 26, 28 x 50 superset with

  • Neck Harness to Front - light band x 4 x 25

Super fun session of lifting and hanging out with Arvid. What a way to start the day.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

12/7/21 - Little Bit of Everything

Fantastic morning training session today. Started out in the cold and dark outdoors.

  • 20 minute running clock

    • Odds - Snatch 5+5 with 24 kg

    • Evens - 22.5 lb Adex mace swings

      • First 6 rounds - 15 360s

      • Rounds 7 and 8 - 15 10-2s

      • Rounds 9 and 10 - 20 10-2s

  • DB Bench - 55s x 6, 60s x 3 x 6-10 superset with

  • One-Arm KB Rows - 28 x 4 x 10

Great total body session with some strength and movement. So grateful for my health.

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