Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

2/18/22 - KB Presses and Arms

Grateful to be able to do some upper body training on this fine Friday morning.

  • One-Arm KB Press - 24 kg x 4 x (2, 3, 5)

  • Chins - lost count but did lots of sets of various grips - these felt great

  • Iron Neck

  • KB Rope Curls

  • Light Band Tri Pushdowns

  • Alternating DB Curls - tried to superset some rolling DB tris but they felt like shit on my left shoulder

Great session overall.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

2/16/22 - SSB Box Squats, Lunges, and Carries

Got a great training session in this morning after a nice at-home coffee date with Cali.

  • SSB Box (12”) Squats with 50 lbs of chains added - worked up to 170 x 2 x 6, 190 x 3 x 6 - These absolutely kicked my ass. I wore my briefs but no belt and I flipped the SSB so the weight was more out in front of me.

  • Walking Lunges with 35 lb weight vest - 20, 24, 28, 28 superset with

  • Farmers Carries - 32s x 4 trips to Chase’s driveway and back

  • Med Ball Shoulders (took weight vest off) - 100 lbs x 3 x 6 (alternating 3 per side)

This was an awesome session. Next week I’m going to eat a little something beforehand. That seems to prevent the massive blackout head rushes I got after every set today. So grateful for this workout.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

2/15/22 - Bench, Rows, Etc.

Good basement training session this morning.

  • Swiss Bench - 155 x 6 x 6 - Ridiculously light but so happy I could press something. Shoulder wasn’t perfect but it was good enough.

  • Dumbbell Rows - 60 x 12/12, 70 x 5 x 12/12

  • Kneeling One-Arm KB Press - 16 kg x 4 x 10/10

  • Neck Harness (front) - 14 kg x 4 x 25-30

  • Neck Harness (back) - mini x 4 x 25

So happy to get in some upper body work.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

2/13/22 - Block Pulls, Snatch Grip Deadlifts, Barbell Rows

Sunday morning basement training:

  • Block Pulls (7 mats/5.25”) - worked up to 385 x 5 - easy

  • Snatch Grip Deadlifts - sets of 6 - 135, 185, 205, 225, 245 - felt very foreign at first but then I got in the groove

  • Barbell Rows - 135 x 8, 155 x 3 x 6

Awesome session.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

2/12/22 - Mace Ladder and Other Fun

Trained outside on a beautiful Saturday morning at home.

  • Mace Ladder

    • 10 360s at each stop, 5 trips through for 200 total swings

  • Double KB Clean and Press - 20s x 3 x (2,3,5) - just testing out the shoulder a bit

  • Iron Neck

  • KB Bottoms Up Presses - 12 kg x 2 x 5, 16 kg x 2 x 5

Shoulder felt the best it has in a long time.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

2/10/22 - One-Arm Swings

I woke up excited for some steady state elliptical training today but every machine at the hotel was broken so I had to change course.

  • Double Dumbbell Overhead Press - worked up to 45s x 3 but they all felt like shit on my left shoulder

  • 300 One-Arm Swings with 24 kg - This was 8 rounds of 25 swings every 90 seconds and then two sets of 50 alternating one-arm swings. This really got the blood pumping.

  • 60 Mace 360s

Good to move.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

2/9/22 - Rounds of 4 Hotel Training

Hotel Room Training:

  • Rounds of 4 with :45 intervals - 10 rounds of:

    • 30-lb Adex Mace Swings - 1st 6 sets were 10 360s, last 4 sets were 15 10-2s

    • Two-Handed KB Swings - 32 kg x 10

    • Jump Rope (35 seconds)

    • 3 One-Arm Cleans followed by 3 One-Arm Front Squats with 32 kg (alternated arms each round)

This was a lot of fun. My left shoulder is still wonky but it’s improving. Happy to get a good sweat going before heading to the plant.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

2/5/22 - Just Moving Around

Got outside and worked out on a relatively cold (12 F with wind chill) Saturday morning.

  • Maces

  • Sled Drags

  • KB Snatches

Didn’t count anything or maintain any kind of order. Super happy I could put a kettlebell overhead in some form or fashion.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

2/4/22 - Double KB Cleans and Stuff

Pretty pathetic “training” session today.

  • Double KB Cleans - 24s x 6 x 6

  • Dumbbell Rows - 55 x 10, 65 x 4 x 10

  • Random Stuff - mace, chins, neck harness, curls, being a baby about my shoulder


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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

2/2/22 - SSB Squats, Walking Lunges, and Mace Swings

I actually slept decently last night and got in a great training session this morning.

  • SSB Squats - with wraps - 280 x 3, 310 x 2, 330 x 1; took the wraps off and did 260 x 3 x 3

  • Walking Lunges with one chain - 4 x 30 (15/leg)

  • 10 kg mace swings - 360s and 10-2s

This improved my whole mindset.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

2/1/22 - Rower HIIT

I slept like absolute crap last night and stayed in bed too long this morning, but I still managed to get some intervals in on the rower.

  • 500m warm-up

  • 10 sprints of 125m/1:00 rest

    • 22.3s

    • 21.5s

    • 21.3s

    • 21.3s

    • 21.5s

    • 21.1s

    • 21.6s

    • 21.5s

    • 21.5s

    • 21.7s

  • 500m cooldown

Shoulder felt a little wonky at times but overall these were better times than when I did this in mid-December. Grateful that I can do something.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

1/31/22 - Maces and Sled Rows

Got outside in some sunshine today and moved around. This was a nice way to spend my lunch.

  • 25-lb Adex Mace

    • Swing-Squat x 4 x 15

    • 10-2s x 2 x 20

  • Sled Rows - 3 plates x 6 trips x 12 down/12 back

Felt good to get the blood flowing.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

1/30/22 - Block Pulls and Such


  • Front Squats warm-up - had to use the arms crossed position due to my shoulder still killing me - 20 kg, 40, 60, 80 all for sets of 6

  • Block Pulls (7 mats) - worked up to 375 x 5 and then 265 x 3 x 6 - these were easy

  • KB Gorilla Rows - 20s, 24s, 28s x 3 all for sets of 12/arm

  • 20-lb Adex Mace - surprised I could do this with my shoulder but it felt good - more to come with this movement

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

1/28/22 - KB Swings and Other Fun

Got some basement training in early this morning. My shoulder continues to feel like dog shit. So frustrating, but at least I can do something.

  • Two-Handed Swings ladders - one ladder every 90 seconds - 10 rounds of:

    • 44 x 2 + 1 Goblet Squat

    • 40 x 3 + 1 Goblet Squat

    • 36 x 5 + 1 Goblet Squat

  • Neck Harness (front and back)

  • DB Hammer Curls - 25s x 4 x 10

  • PUPP - BW x 4 x 40 seconds

Decent session that at least got my heart rate up. I just feel so limited right now. I can’t wait until I can press kettlebells overhead.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

1/26/22 - Cambered Bar Box Squats and Carries

Got a good training session in early this morning.

  • Cambered Bar 14.75” Box Squats - worked up to 275 x 3 and 295 x 2 - I should’ve gone for a triple on the last set. Pleasantly surprised with how these felt and grateful for good equipment that lets me work around my shoulder injury.

  • Farmers Carries - 24s x 4 trips - Wanted to carry something but was careful with the shoulder.

  • Iron Neck

This improved my mindset and left me feeling good.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

1/25/22 - One-Handed Swings

Got a very little training in this morning. I’m pretty frustrated and pissed off about my shoulder.

  • One-Handed Swings with 36 kg - 4 rounds of:

    • 3+3

    • 7+7

    • 5+5

    • Rest 3 minutes

These felt fine but I still screamed, “Fuck!” a few times just out of general frustration. I’m such a wimp.

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