Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

1/23/22 - Sumo Deads, Split Squats, and Rows

Got some basement training in on a fine Sunday morning.

  • Sumo Deadlifts - worked up to 295 x 5, 315 x 3, 335 x 3 - I suck at these but overall pleased with how they went.

  • Split Squats - 16 kg KB goblet hold x 4 x 5/5 superset with

  • One-Arm KB Rows - 28 x 10, 32 x 8, 36 x 2 x 8

Grateful to be able to train a bit despite my shoulder.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

1/22/22 - Sled Drags and KB Swings

I didn’t count anything today and my left delt felt like shit, but I did manage to move around a bit.

  • Sled Drags with three plates

  • Two-Handed Swings with 32 kg

It was 12 F and sunny out front when I did this workout. I warmed up fast and was very grateful to be able to do anything that resembled a workout. Hoping my delt heals up quickly.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

1/21/22 - Jiu-Jitsu Day 98

Great morning crew this Friday. Everything went well but I did get my left shoulder wrenched in an Americana and now my left deltoid feels severely strained. Hopefully it doesn’t put me out for too long. I would’ve tapped sooner but my right arm was trapped and the guy cranked it really hard very quickly. Oh well. Onward and upward.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

1/20/22 - Front Squats and Double KB Clean and Push Press

Great training session on a rainy/snowy Thursday morning.

  • Front Squats - worked up to 110 kg x 4, then did 90 kg x 3 x 6

  • Double KB Clean and Push Press - worked up to 32s x 5 - Just testing my 5RM for an upcoming program. My legs were jello by the time I got to the last set.

I was pleasantly surprised with the front squats. I haven’t done them in a long time but they felt very solid.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

1/19/22 - Jiu-Jitsu Day 97

We had 14 amazing people at the 0530 jiu-jitsu class today. So much fun and good instruction and learning. Grateful to be part of this group. Worked on some s-mount transitions and mount control. Onward and upward.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

1/17/22 - Jiu-Jitsu Day 96 and Double KB Clean and Press

I was off for MLK Day today so it was a great time to train my ass off.

Small but fun Jiu-Jitsu class this morning. Worked on x-guard and got a few rolls in. Such a nice group of people.

Trained in the garage late morning.

  • Double KB Clean and Press - 31 sets of 5 with 20s in 30 minutes - one set on the minute plus one for Iron Mountain at the end - 155 total reps - I was fried after this but very happy

Onward and upward.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

1/16/22 - Block Pulls

Wasn’t feeling like Superman this morning but I knew I could get this training done anyway.

  • Warm-up with 24s - 3 sets of 1 DBL FS followed by 10/10 one-hand swings

  • Block Pulls (7 mats) - worked up to 370 x 5 - This wasn’t that tough.

Short and sweet.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

1/15/22 - Double KB Clean and Press, Sandbag Carries, and Other Fun

I trained out front around 0930 on this fine Saturday morning. It was ~12 F and windy. Felt great to be in the elements.

  • Double KB Clean and Press - 36 sets of 4 with 20s in 30 min - 144 total reps - one set every 51 seconds plus one for Iron Mountain at the end - this wasn’t even hard

  • 150-lb sandbag carries - 4 trips to Chase’s driveway and back - bear hug, left shoulder, right shoulder, bear hug

  • Gi Grip Chins - BW x 4 x 4

  • Iron Neck

Just an awesome time all around. So grateful for my healthy body.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

1/14/22 - Jiu-Jitsu Day 95

Really fun Friday morning class with a wonderful group of people. I felt better today than I did on Wednesday so I’ll call that progress. Worked on s-mount and armbars. Onward and upward.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

1/13/22 - SSB Box Squats and Double KB Clean and Press

Got in a morning workout after a nice coffee date with my hot wife.

  • SSB Box (15.5”) Squats with Light Band - sets of 5 - 130, 150, 170, 190, 200

  • Double KB Clean and Press with 20s - 22 sets of 6 in 30 minutes for 132 total reps - did these outside in some beautiful 25 F weather - I was warm and cranked up after the squats

Great way to start the day.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

1/12/22 - Jiu-Jitsu Day 94

Fun morning class with a great crew. Worked on head-and-arm choke and a little bit of guillotine.

I had a moment where I got in a bad position and was worried about my ribs, but I made it through without anything exploding. It’s going to take a while to get that confidence back and be at 100%. Onward and upward.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

1/10/22 - Jiu-Jitsu Day 93 and Double KB Clean and Press

It was so great to be back on the mat and see everyone in the morning crew. Worked on some shots and then a darce choke. The rib held up just fine. I loved every minute of this. Onward and upward.

Got some training in late this afternoon.

It was about 25 F and windy this afternoon, so I went outside in shorts to train. My hands were cold at first but I don’t give a fuck. This was a ton of fun and made me feel comfortable being uncomfortable.

  • Double KB Clean and Press with 20s - 28 sets of 5 in 30 minutes - This was a set every 1:06 plus one for Iron Mountain at the end. This was ridiculously easy and left me feeling great.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

1/9/22 - Block Pulls, Double KB Clean + Front Squat, Etc.

Great Sunday morning session in the basement.

  • Double KB Clean + Front Squat - sets of 5 with 16s, 20s, 24s, 28s, 32s - easy and strong

  • Block Pulls (7 mats) - worked up to 365 x 5 - easy

  • Double KB Clean + Front Squat - 24s x 4 x 6

  • Barbell Shrugs - 135 x 15, 175 x 3 x 10-12 superset with

  • Neck Harness - 25 lbs x 4 x 25

Tried to not overdo it since I plan on going back to jiu-jitsu tomorrow morning.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

1/8/22 - Mace and Double KB Swings

Just wanted to move around a bit this morning. It was chilly outside but I got warmed up. Just did some mace swings and some double KB swings with the 16s. I didn’t really keep track or do this in any kind of organized fashion. Good times though.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

1/7/22 - Double KB Clean and Press and Chins

Happy to be home from my work trip. I didn’t get this training in until 1215. Did it fasted and still felt fresh and strong.

  • Double KB Clean and Press - sets of 4 with 20s - 33 sets in 30 minutes for 132 total reps - one set every 56 seconds plus one for Iron Mountain at the end - this was easy

  • Kimono Grip Chins - BW x 4 x 5 - easy

  • Iron Neck Work

Great short session.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

1/6/22 - Steady State Cardio

Hit up some good old morning cardio on the hotel elliptical. Went 40 minutes and cracked a good sweat. Grateful to be able to move.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

1/5/22 - Hotel Gym Fun

Got some early morning training in at the small hotel gym.

  • Rounds of 4 with 45 second intervals - 5 rounds of:

    • 10 Burpees

    • 10 rows/arm with 50 lb DB

    • 10 push-ups

    • Squats with two 50 lb DBs - 10, 6, 6, 6, 6

  • Alternating DB Lunges - sets of 6-10 reps with 20, 25, 30, 35 superset with

  • Rope Face Pulls - 4 x 10-15

  • Split Squats with 35 lb Goblet Holds - 3 x 6 superset with

  • One-Arm Lat Pulldowns - 4 x 10-15

Good little session all things considered. I love how easy it is to sweat with some humidity in the air.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

1/3/22 - Double KB Clean and Press

Got some early morning garage training in before flying to Key West later today.

  • Double KB Clean and Press - 20 sets of 6 with the 20s in 30 minutes - 120 total reps - one set every 90 seconds felt strong and steady

  • Iron Neck - nice and easy

Happy to get this work in before what could be a very long day of travel.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

1/2/22 - Goblet Squats, Block Pulls, and Swings

Basement Training with my hot wife.

  • Goblet Squats - sets of 5 with 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48, 56

  • Block Pulls (7 mats) - worked up to 360 x 5 - easy - Really thought about using my glutes and pushing my hips through once the bar cleared my knees. Felt great.

  • Two-Handed Swings - 7 sets of (3, 5, 7) with 48, 44, 40 - one set every 2 minutes

Great session all around.

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Mark Henrion Mark Henrion

12/31/21 - Double KB Clean and Press and KB Mile

Trained in the garage and outside on a warm but wet morning.

  • Double KB Clean and Press - sets of 5 with 20s - 26 sets in 30 minutes for 130 total reps - These felt great.

  • KB Mile with 12s - Made it the whole way without putting them down. Felt this in my traps and right hand.

Good times.

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